
Videos offer a unique blend of visual and auditory elements that can engage audiences on multiple levels.

Beyond conveying mere facts; videos also have the ability to capture the essence of a work environment, showcasing the dynamics, collaboration, and culture that shape an organization.

Creating a compelling video involves careful planning, creativity, and attention to detail. You can save yourself a lot of editing time if you take the initial time to plan and prepare your video content.

  1. Define Your Purpose: A well-defined objective will guide your content creation and keep your video focused.
  2. Know Your Audience: Tailor your content to resonate with them and address their needs or concerns.
  3. Plan Your Content: Create a storyboard or script to organize your ideas and visuals.
  4. Keep it Concise: Attention spans are short and you start losing views after the first 30s. Certain platforms can only take videos under 1 minute length.
  5. Showcase Visual Appeal: High production value can significantly enhance the video's impact.
  6. Incorporate Storytelling: Engage your audience with a compelling narrative.
  7. Pay Attention to Audio: Invest in a good-quality microphone and ensure background noises are minimized.
  8. Include a Call to Action: Whether it's visiting your website, reading an article, or sharing the video, a call to action adds purpose to your content.
  9. Optimize for Mobile: Ensure your video is mobile-friendly and can be viewed seamlessly on various devices.
  10. Test and Iterate: Seek feedback from a diverse group before finalising your video.
  11. Check Closed Captions: Errors in your closed captions can be an unnecessary distraction from your message. There are tools available to make the process of generating, editing, and uploading closed captions a bit easier.

Videos that are short and effective in their messaging are valuable resources that can be used on many different platforms.

Videos about TSL research:

Videos about our organisation: