Near- to long-term measures to stabilize global wheat supplies and food security

  • Published:
  • Authors: Bentley AR, Donovan J, Sonder K, Baudron F, Lewis JM, Voss R, Rutsaert P, Poole N, Kamoun S, Saunders DGO, Hodson D, Hughes DP, Negra C, Ibba MI, Snapp S, Sida TS, Jaleta M, Tesfaye T, Becker-Reshef I, Govaerts B (2022)
  • Reference: Nature Food volume 3, pages483–486 (2022)

The Ukraine–Russia war will impact global food security over months if not years. In the wake of COVID-19 and in the face of increasing climate change, we propose responses to a multi-layered global food crisis that mitigate near-term food security risks, stabilize wheat supplies and transition towards long-term agri-food system resilience.