The Sainsbury Laboratory Work & study at TSLOur teamsNews & insightsSciCommPublicationsPeopleHP3ContactAbout Home/ Publications/ Induction of targeted, heritable mutations in barley and Brassica oleracea using RNA-guided Cas9 nuclease Induction of targeted, heritable mutations in barley and Brassica oleracea using RNA-guided Cas9 nuclease Published: 30.11.15 Authors: Lawrenson T, Shorinola O, Stacey N, Li C, Østergaard L, Patron N, Uauy C, Harwood W (2015) Reference: Genome Biology 2015, 16:258 doi:10.1186/s13059-015-0826-7 Recent publications See all Published: 10.12.24 Authors: Makechemu M, Goto Y, Zbinden H, Widrig V, Keller B, Zipfel C (2024) Chitin soil amendment triggers systemic plant disease resistance through enhanced pattern-triggered immunity Published: 03.12.24 Authors: Robinson K, Buric L, Grenz K, Chia K, Hulin MT, Ma W, Carella P (2024) Conserved effectors underpin the virulence of liverwort-isolated Pseudomonas in divergent plants Published: 24.11.24 Authors: Toghani A, Frijters R, Bozkurt TO, Terauchi R, Kamoun S, Sugihara Y (2024) Can AI modelling of protein structures distinguish between sensor and helper NLR immune receptors?
Published: 10.12.24 Authors: Makechemu M, Goto Y, Zbinden H, Widrig V, Keller B, Zipfel C (2024) Chitin soil amendment triggers systemic plant disease resistance through enhanced pattern-triggered immunity
Published: 03.12.24 Authors: Robinson K, Buric L, Grenz K, Chia K, Hulin MT, Ma W, Carella P (2024) Conserved effectors underpin the virulence of liverwort-isolated Pseudomonas in divergent plants
Published: 24.11.24 Authors: Toghani A, Frijters R, Bozkurt TO, Terauchi R, Kamoun S, Sugihara Y (2024) Can AI modelling of protein structures distinguish between sensor and helper NLR immune receptors?