SynBio Team Leader
Mark Youles

My work within the TSL to date has primarily focused on the adaption and implementation of the Golden Gate modular cloning system.
In addition to this however, I have also generated various DNA constructs which the Synthetic Biology team hopes will push the currently accepted/known boundaries of the use of Synthetic Biology within the field of plant sciences.
Job history
2016 -
SynBio Team Leader
The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, UK -
2012 - 2016
Support Officer
The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, UK -
2011 - 2012
Advanced Research Assistant
Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, UK -
1999 - 2011
Research Assistant
MRC/LMB, Cambridge, UK -
1994 - 1999
Research Technician
Dept. of Genetics, Cambridge, UK