Group Leader
Sophien Kamoun

The Kamoun lab study the interactions between plants and filamentous pathogens, notably the Irish potato famine organism Phytophthora infestans and the rice and wheat blast fungus Magnaporthe (syn. Pyricularia) oryzae.
We exploit state of the art findings on pathogen genomics and effector biology to develop novel disease resistant crops.
Job history
2007 -
Group Leader
The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, UK -
2012 -
Professor of Biology
University of East Anglia, UK -
2009 - 2014
Head of The Sainsbury Laboratory
The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, UK -
2009 - 2012
Honorary Professor
University of East Anglia, UK -
2006 - 2007
Dept. Plant Pathology, Ohio State University, USA -
2002 - 2006
Associate Professor
Dept. Plant Pathology, Ohio State University, USA -
1998 - 2002
Assistant Professor
Dept. Plant Pathology, Ohio State University, USA -
1994 - 1997
Senior Research Scientist
Dept. Phytopathology, Wageningen University, Netherlands -
1991 - 1994
Postdoctoral Scientist
NSF Ctr for Engineering Plants for Resistance Against Pathogens (CEPRAP), UC Davis